Chinese Storytelling Researchdatabase
4 Masters of Chinese Storytelling

Xiyou ji (30)
西遊記 (30)

Journey to the West In one hundred days of storytelling
Performed by Dai Buzhang   (戴步章 )
15-05-2003 Yangzhou (揚州)


The next day the Buddhist monks and Taoist priests have a dispute in the throne hall. The king and the hundreds of civil and military officials act as judges. When the Taoist witch-priests run out of arguments, they resort to sophistry. In the end it is decided that he who can produce rain will win. If the Taoist priests win, the four pilgrim monks will be executed, and if the monks win, the policy to “honour the Way and exterminate Buddhist monks” will be abolished in the country of Tarrycart.


Chinese Storytelling  |  說書  |  Kinesisk Historiefortælling  |  NIASPress  |  Library of Congress |